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Westmont Park District Preschool


Experienced learners prepare for Kindergarten in programs designed for continued enrichment though an educational based curriculum coupled with play based components. Children develop readiness skills through exposure to upper and lower case letters, sound recognition, reading and writing activities, math concepts, color and shape review. Social skills and problem solving are enhanced through unstructured play and teacher-directed group activities. Children will have guided exploration through the all-inclusive Veterans Memorial Park as well as access to the Community Center Gymnasium. Children must turn 4 or 5 years old, but not yet 6, by September 1 to enroll in 4/5 year-old preschool.

* Taking a waitlist for afternoon preschool. Afternoon preschool will only run if the morning preschool is filled.

Open house January 18, 2025!
Day School Year Time R/NR Fee Per Year Code
M-Th Sept 2025/ May 2026 9:00-11:30A $2760/$2940 401101-A-I

Location: Westmont Community Center, 75 E. Richmond St., Westmont, IL 60559


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