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Playground Improvements

Playground Improvements VMP FB copyVeterans Memorial Park:

Beginning on Monday, September 5th the tot lot and sand play areas will be closed for playground improvements. Project scope includes the removal and replacement of our oldest pieces, the colorful Kompan play equipment, as well as the removal and replacement of the poured in place rubber surfacing. It is anticipated that the entire project should require 4 weeks to complete.  Naturally, this timeline is weather pending and per the travel schedule of the rubber surfacing contractor whose crews travel state to state.



Playground Improvements TWP FB copy

ty Warner Park:

Beginning on Monday, September 18th the tot lot will be closed for the removal and replacement of the 23 year old poured in place rubber play surface. It is anticipated that the entire project  will require 1 ½ weeks.  Naturally, this timeline is weather pending and per the travel schedule of the rubber surfacing contractor whose crews travel state to state.